Various Smoke Residues Can Present Unique Obstacles for Our SERVPRO Team Restoring Your Knoxville Home
9/22/2021 (Permalink)

Multiple Types of Smoke Residues Could Threaten Your Knoxville Home After a Fire Damage Incident
While wet smoke residues can be among the worst to clean and restore, specifically because of the thickness of coatings and the types of materials that can become affected, an almost equally challenging remnant to address are protein residues. These exist after fires break out in your kitchen, and specific types of meat, fish, poultry, and other protein-based foods burn.
Grease kitchen fires can already be challenging to extinguish for homeowners or even the first responders addressing fire damage in your Knoxville residence. The combustion of proteins could have instantaneous effects on exposed materials and contents within the room. The closest structural elements in the proximity of the fire can often be the worst damaged by these thick residues. Protein smoke damage can get identified by:
- Harsh Odors
- Thick Coating
- Yellowing/Staining of Surfaces
Do Cabinets Require Removal?
Close structural surfaces and fixtures within the kitchen can often become the worst damaged by these lingering residues. While combustion can compromise several individual cabinet units, the entirety of the cabinetry in your kitchen might not require removal and replacement. Cleaning and refinishing services might be more cost-effective, but this depends on the cabinets' material and the severity of the present damage. Careful consideration of these fixtures' condition is necessary by our project manager and crew chief to determine the best approach to return your damaged kitchen to its previous state efficiently.
Fire damage events can be devastating to your home, even when kitchen flare-ups keep the bulk of the damage localized to one room. Our SERVPRO of Rocky Hill / Sequoyah Hills / South Knoxville team can help with potent products, practical methods, and industry-leading equipment to address smoke residues and other damages after a fire. Give us a call today at (865) 862-8907.